The Future of Work - Structural solutions for Business 4.0

New forms of collaboration and cooperation for people, technology and organisations

Businesses and employment are undergoing radical change. Demographic change, globalisation, digitisation, and changing values are bywords for developments that have a real impact on people, businesses and society. Never before have the personal, social and business spheres of life been so complex and so intertwined. New production processes and products, smart services, the automation of tasks, work consolidation, the development of open work structures and flexible management concepts, new business models and the convergence of industries are changing employment and how we organise work. One might well ask, "What will the future of employment look like in a few years time?" In pursuing projects, the IBBF asks itself the following questions (among others) and, working in conjunction with businesses and experts, jointly develops correspondingly appropriate answers and solutions:

  • How can we manage the increasing complexity of employment?
  • How can we successfully achieve the holistic, systemic analysis of people, technology and organisations, of markets and of our natural and social environments?
  • Which new forms of employment and which new employment relationships are necessary to achieve networked, digitised and flexible employment?
  • Which strategies, structures, systems and / or relationships will help to successfully implement these changes?

Contact person:

Christine Schmidt

Geschäftsführende Vorständin (Finanzen)

Dr. Michael Steinhöfel


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